ISO 13485:2016

TruDR User Interface

Sound-Eklin produces the most widely accepted and used digital radiography and picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) in the veterinary industry. The primary challenges that Nectar faced involved creating an intuitive user interface and information-rich user experience for performing and processing large and small animal x-rays—both in veterinary offices and in the field.

header and body interface of TruDR User Interface

Making Veterinary X-Ray Technology Easier to Use

The user interface had to meet veterinary needs in both settings, as well as support use on office computers and via wireless connections on laptops and tablets. It also had to be simple and intuitive enough so that veterinarians and their technicians, both of whom are not radiologists have little experience processing x-rays can use it to perform x-rays and produce the high-quality images that are required for effective diagnosis and treatment.

TruDR User Interface

Understanding User Perspectives and Requirements


Changing the world one breakthrough medical device at a time.

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